A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: ACHAREI MOT (LEVITICUS 16:1-18:30)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   This week, we read Acharei Mot, which has the primary focus of the ancient rituals of Yom Kippur, the ‘Day of Atonement’. During the period of the Mishnah (i.e. the first major redaction of the Oral Torah) in the second century, the Jewish calendar was altered so that […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: METZORA (LEVITICUS 14:1-15:33)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   Last week, we read parsha Tazria, which introduced us to the bizarre malady of ‘Tzara’at.’ In effect, this was considered physical evidence of a spiritual failing, disclosed in a myriad of dermatological disorders. The mystery shrouding parsha Tazria was the absence of any specific transgression, or identification of […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: TAZRIA (LEVITICUS 12:1-13:59)

By Joy Scott Am Haskalah Congregant This week’s Torah parsha, Tazria, is extraordinary not for its content, but for its absence of content. Tazria has been labeled “the Torah parsha least likely to be studied”(1). It has also been accused of having “challenged and confused generations of Torah scholars, as well as legions of rabbinical […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: SHEMINI (LEVITICUS 9:1-11:47)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   For several weeks and many chapters – the longest prelude in the Torah – we have read of the preparations for the moment at which God would bring His Presence to rest amid the people. Five Torah parshiot (Teruma, Tetzaveh, Ki Tisa, Vayakhel, and Pekudi) all describe the […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: TZAV (LEVITICUS 6:1-8:36)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant The primary theme of last week’s Torah parsha, Vayikra, pertained to the five diverse sacrifices which the Israelites presented at the Sanctuary. On the surface, this week’s parsha, Tzav, appears to be merely an extension of Vayikra, differentiated solely by the focus shifting to the kohanim, who were the […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: VAYIKRA (LEVITICUS 1:1-5:26)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   This week’s Torah parsha, Vayikra, is the first in the Book of Leviticus, known formally as ‘Torat Kohanim’ (Instructions for the Priests) (1). The title, Vayikra, defines the entire Book of Leviticus: “and He called”. We have just completed reading the thrilling and dramatic story of the Book […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: PEKUDEI (EXODUS 38:21-40-38)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   Pekudei is the last chapter in the Book of Exodus. For the fourth time, as in parshiot Tetzaveh, Terumah and Vayakhel, we again read a tedious repetition of the inventory of all the equipment used in the building and decorating of the Sanctuary: “These are the records of […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: VAYAKHEL-PEKUDEI (EXODUS 35:1 – 38:20)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   This week, we read two parshiot: Vayakhel followed by Pekudei. Each of these parshiot are replete with contradictions and multiple interpretations.  The first enigma is the question of why they exist at all. In the Torah parshiot Terumah and Tetzaveh, we read descriptions of every one of the […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: KI TISA (EXODUS 30:11-34:35)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   This week’s Torah parsha, Ki Tisa, begins on Mount Sinai, where God is relating to Moses some rather benign instructions pertaining to the final particulars to complete the Holy Sanctuary. It is expected that Moses will remain at the top of the mountain for another forty days. Here, […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: TETZAVEH (EXODUS 27:20-30:10)

By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant   The primary theme of last week’s Torah parsha, Terumah, was the building of the Mishkan (Sanctuary). Each Israelite donated the gold, silver, copper, fabric and all of the other materials required to create a dwelling of splendor, where God would live ‘within its midst’. This week’s Torah parsha, […]