

One of our past president’s defines community at Am Haskalah …

“What does it mean to join Am Haskalah? Member of what? As I see it, we are both a community and a congregation. A community is a network of relationships. You join it by taking part. The more you take part, the more you will build those relationships, the more connected you will feel, and the more our community will grow.

While the community is an informal network, the congregation is a formal organization. We have bylaws, officers, committees, employees, income and expenses. To be a member you have to fill out a form and pay your fair share dues. The congregation provides the platform, the structure, in today’s parlance, the hardware. The community is the software, the spirit and the real soul. I believe that if you are going to be a member of this community, you have a responsibility at some point to join the congregation. And if you are a member of the congregation, please be a part of this community.” ~ Cary Oshins


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