A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: SHEMINI (LEVITICUS 9:1-11:47)

For several weeks and many chapters- – the longest prelude in the Torah – – we have read of the preparations for the moment at which God would bring His Presence to rest in the midst of the people. Five Torah Parshiot (TERUMAH, TETZAVEH, KI TISA, VAYAKHEL, and PEKUDI) all describe the instructions for building […]

A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: TZAV (LEVITICUS 6:1-8:36)

The primary theme of last week’s Torah Parsha (VAKIRA) pertained to the five diverse sacrifices, which the Israelites presented at the Sanctuary. On the surface, this week’s Torah Parsha (TZAV) appears to be merely an extension of Parsha (VAKIRA), differentiated solely by the focus shifting to the kohanim, who were the recipients of the various […]

A Bissel of Torah: VAKIRA (LEVITICUS 1:1-5:26)

VAKIRA (LEVITICUS 1:1-5:26) By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant This week’s Torah Parsha (VAKIRA) is the first Parsha in the Book of Leviticus, known formally as ‘Torat Kohanim’ (instructions for the Priests) (1). The title for this Parsha defines the entire Book of Leviticus. We have just completed reading the thrilling and dramatic story of the […]

A ‘BISSEL’ OF TORAH: KI TISA (EXODUS 30:11-34:35) By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah

This week’s Torah Parsha (KI TISA) begins on Mount Sinai, where God is relating to Moses some rather benign instructions, pertaining to final particulars, for completion of the Holy Sanctuary. It is expected that Moses will remain at the top of the mountain for another forty days. Here, he will receive the two tablets of […]

A ‘BISSEL’ OF TORAH: TETZAVEH (EXODUS 27:20-30:10) By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant

The primary theme of last week’s Torah Parsha (TERUMAH) was the building of the Mishken (Sanctuary). Each Israelite donated the gold; silver; copper; fabric; and, all of the other materials required to create a dwelling of splendor, where God would live ‘within its midst’. This week’s Torah Parsha (TETZAVEH), begins with God speaking to Moses: […]

A Bissel of Torah: YITRO (EXODUS 18:1-20:23) By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant

This week’s Torah Parsha (YITRO) consists of two episodes, which appear to be a study in contrast. In the first (Chapter 18, YITRO), Moses’ father-in-law, a high level Midianite provides Moses lessons in management and governance. In the second, the prime mover is God, Himself, who, in an unprecedented and unrepeated epiphany, appears before an […]


By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant In last week’s Torah Parsha (BEHAALOTECHA), we read about the Israelite’s turbulent saga of disillusionment, with their way of life in the desert. This week’s Parsha (SHELACH) takes a new and momentarily promising turn, with a look towards the future. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Send out men, […]


By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant Shortly after a year of being rescued from Egypt, this week’s Torah Parsha (BEHAALOTECHA) provides a glimpse into Moses’ psyche, as well as the state of mind of the Israelites. The Children of Israel have just learned that via God’s instructions to Moses, they will soon be leaving Mount […]


By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant This week’s Torah Parsha (NASO) begins with a continuation of last week’s Parsha (BAMIDBAR); completing the census of the Children of Israel, and assigning the intricate details of the tasks to be performed by each individual tribe, in the transporting of the Tabernacle. With 176 verses, NASO is both […]


By Joy Scott,  Am Haskalah Congregant Last week’s double Parshiot (BEHAR) and (BECHUKOTAI) comprised the final portions of the Book of Leviticus. We begin the Book of NUMBERS, with plans to dismantle the Tabernacle, and to re-build it further into the wilderness. In the second year of the EXODUS, God spoke to Moses: “Take a […]