By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant In last week’s Torah parsha (BEHAALOTECHA), we read about the Israelite’s turbulent saga of disillusionment, with their way of life in the desert. This week’s parsha (SHELACH) takes a new and momentarily promising turn, with a look towards the future. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Send out men, […]
Posts in the A ‘Bissel’ of Torah category:
A weekly dvar Torah from our wonderful Joy Scott.
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: BEHAALOTECHA (NUMBERS 8:1-12:16)
Shortly after a year of being rescued from Egypt, this week’s Torah Parsha (BEHAALOTECHA) provides a glimpse into Moses’ psyche, as well as the state of mind of the Israelites. The Children of Israel have just learned that via God’s instructions to Moses, they will soon be leaving Mount Sinai, to journey further into the […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: NASO (NUMBERS 4:21-7:89)
This week’s Torah Parsha (NASO) begins with a continuation of Parsha (BAMIDBAR); completing the census of the Children of Israel, and assigning the intricate details of the tasks to be performed by each individual tribe, in the transporting of the Tabernacle. With 176 verses, NASO is both the longest portion of the Torah, and the […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: BAMIDAR (NUMBERS 1:1-4:20)
By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant Last week, we concluded the reading of the Book of LEVITICUS, with the reading of Parsha (BECHUKOTAI). This week, we begin the Book of NUMBERS, with plans to dismantle the Tabernacle, and to re-build it further into the wilderness. In the second year of the EXODUS, God spoke to […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: BECHUKOTA (LEVITICUS 26:3-27:34)
By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant The final Parsha, BECHUKOTA, in the Book of LEVITICUS begins with stunning clarity of the terms of Jewish life under the covenant. In the first part, there is an idyllic picture of the blessing of Divine favor. If the Israelites follow God’s decrees and keep His commandments, there will […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: BEHAR (LEVITICUS 25:1-26:2)
By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah, Congregant This week, we read a double Parshiot, (BEHAR) followed by (BECHUKOT), ending the Book of Leviticus. The primary themes of Parsha (BEHAR) are laws and commandments, pertaining to freedom, equality, and charity with ‘dignity’. The Lord spoke to Moses and said: “Tell the Children of Israel, you may sow […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: EMOR (LEVITICUS 21:1-24:3)
By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah, Congregant This week’s Torah Parsha (EMOR) begins with God saying to Moses: “Speak to the Kohanim; and, say that none of them can become defiled; impure; or, ceremonially unclean; by touching a dead person, unless the one who died is a wife, or a blood relative”(1). The requisite for purity […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: KEDOSHIM (LEVITICUS 19:1-20:27)
By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant The second Parsha for this week (KEDOSHIM) begins with the momentous call: “You shall be holy because I, the Lord, your God am holy” (1). This statement is followed by repetition of dozens of ‘Divine’ commandments, which would enable the Israelites to consecrate their holy relationship with God. This […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: ACHEREI MOT (Leviticus 16:1–18:30)
This week, we read two Parshiot, (ACHAREI MOT), followed by Parsha (KEDOSHIM). The primary focus of the first Parsha pertains to the ancient rituals of Yom Kippur, the ‘Day of Atonement’. During the period of MISHNAH (i.e. the first major redaction of the Oral Torah) in the second century, the Jewish calendar was altered, so […]
A ‘Bissel’ of Torah: TAZRIA-METZORA (LEVITICUS 12:1-15:33)
By Joy Scott, Am Haskalah Congregant This week, we read a double Parshiot (TAZRIA), followed by Parsha (METZORA). Each of these Parshiot describe in punctilious detail, the bewildering phenomenon of ‘TZARAAT’. In effect, this is a physical manifestation of a spiritual malaise, frequently mistranslated as ‘leprosy’. An individual afflicted with ‘TZARAAT’, would be referred to […]