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Chesed Committee

The word chesed means lovingkindness. The mission of the Am Haskalah Chesed Committee is to provide an organized channel through which the Members of the Congregation support each other during significant life events or extended illness. Our Chesed Committee members provide acts of love and kindness to congregational members who are in need, such as visiting the sick, running errands for the homebound, and providing transportation to congregational events for those who do not drive. The committee also supports life-cycle events, such as shivas. The committee is here to assist whenever possible and appropriate. If another resource is more suited to a congregation member’s request, the Chesed Committee can help facilitate a referral to the rabbi, Jewish Family Services, or other appropriate organizations.


Ritual Committee

The Ritual Committee works closely with our rabbi to advise the congregation regarding ritual matters; to develop and maintain policies regarding congregational ritual observance and practice; and to provide guidance to the the rabbi and congregation when issues regarding congregational minhag (tradition) arise.  The Ritual Committee also maintains a list of service leaders and Torah readers, and helps to organize the ritual components of Shabbat and holiday observance.


Finance Committee

The Finance Committee oversees the budget, investments, and other financial business of the Congregation.  It works with the Board to monitor and ensure that the congregation’s finances are healthy and that our finances reflect our values.